Some mornings felt like hours long whinge fests and I started to question whether it was me C was bored with and whether she'd be better off in a nursery :( I asked some of my friends what their children did at nursery and I have to admit my heart was sinking when they told me about cooking, sticking, painting, play dough etc. In an ideal world, I'd be happy to do those things with C, but we are living in a smallish flat with only one room for our living space. I can't imagine being happy for it to be covered in paint and how do you stop a 16 month old from eating playdough?
Being a dutiful mother though, I went and bought a pack of craft stuff. I know! We can make a Valentine's Day card for Daddy! As a control freak, I spent the whole time resisting saying 'NO! Not there, that looks ridiculous. Look, just straighten out that heart, it's WONKY!'. I say resisting. I didn't resist when she started pulling the stickers off and tearing the card :) Not altogether an enjoyable activity then (for me, C looked quite pleased with herself, and R was chuffed when he got the card!). I could've kissed the friend who later told me of a playgroup around the corner which has all these 'craft' activities for older toddlers to do while you stand around drinking coffee with the other mums. Mwah!
The following day, I stumbled across an online discussion about teething. A woman with a similar aged toddler asked whether teething could completely change their personalities. A resounding 'yes' from the rest of the forumites. It could turn sunny natured, chilled out babies into whinging, clingy, bossy little things who burst into tears for no obvious reason, which pretty much summed up my girl this week. And now I came to think of it she does have her fist in her mouth a lot and looking in her mouth, there are the tale tell white lumps under her gums. Feeling like a complete plank, I gave C some Nurofen to see if that cheered her up.
Within half an hour I had my old C back. Lively, affectionate, fun. Yay! That evening I was in the kitchen making dinner while she played with her plastic food on the living room floor. Suddenly I could hear her calls becoming more persistent 'Doe, Doe, Doe' (Jo, Jo, Jo - she doesn't call me Mummy) so I went to see what was going on, expecting to be passed a doughnut and brocolli sandwich but found her sitting in her high chair! Much hilarity ensued when I asked her how she got in there. So I got her out and asked her to do it again. See above video.
Quick run through of 'my' things then:
1. Jogging. R came into the bedroom the morning before Valentines Day 'Happy Valentine's Day darling, here, have the trainers you ordered from ebay.' Who said romance was dead? Still haven't got C's buggy sorted, but did walk/run back from Marks' in the Maclaren the other day when she was whinging (again) so have started the pre-training.
2. Weight. The same. Vast.
3. Flat. Goes on the market TODAY!!! Eek. Quite scared.
4. Housework. Have frightened myself with my virtue in this area this week. It's so much nicer living in a clear, uncluttered environment, and not really that much extra work once you get into it. Why don't we just live like this the whole time? No need to nag either, since R has been making equal effort in the kitchen.
5. Finances. Nothing to report really. On a tight month, so have been quite good!
6. Career. Nothing to report.
7. Friends. It turns out the cock up in my last post wasn't my fault - hurrah! Also, two friends I haven't seen for ages have contacted to arrange a meet up so looking forward to those. The next few weekends are tied up with family, so I'll just have to do social stuff in the week. It's hard old life! Being a SAHM has many advantages, even if I can't remember the last time I left the house without a massive bag!
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