Sunday, 10 February 2008

Probably the Most Boring Blog on the Internet

As I say, don't expect to be gripped by this blog. I'm a very average 32 year old surburban housewife (sorry, Stay at Home Mum!). In a former life I worked in the voluntary and public sector supporting vulnerable people to continue to live in the community. I had lots of jobs, from filling in benefit forms for housebound elderly people to training social workers in how to assess people and for two years before I had my daughter, I worked on a freelance basis doing consultancy to a range of agencies. I miss the human contact often - being incurably nosey, it was a great job for me!

Unusually for a wooly liberal, I do have a great sense of fun. I try to see the funny side of everything I do, even if it doesn't come until later. There are a few things I have never seen the funny side to. One is the time my husband 'lost' the tickets to our honeymoon meaning we spent two days stuck at Heathrow Airport, only for them to turn up in his work bag a few months later - oh, how I laughed.

I thoroughly enjoy crawling around after my daughter pretending to be a cat, chasing her around the park, singing the wheels on the bus at the tops of our voices, breastfeeding her to sleep in the rocking chair every evening and choosing her little outfit every morning (and after lunch, and various other stages of the day when she's spilt four tons of rubbish over herself). I fecking loathe tidying up 63,246,892,569 times a day, and living on a main road in London. I'm hoping this improves in the next 18 years or so. Meanwhile, I'm delighted I enjoy being a mum, especially since I've never been particularly keen on other people's babies. It took us 3 years to have a successful pregnancy, and even then it was a tough one (see R's blog at so it's a good job I got the best baby in the world (for me) in the end or I'd have been mighty pissed off:

I decided last night I want to record my progress in various elements in my life:

1. Jogging. I need to start jogging. To start jogging I need to buy some trainers. I need to fix my daughters pram so she can come with me and I need to resolve a dispute with an ebay seller (aka Cock) before I can do this!

2. Weight. I need to lose weight. The best way for me to do this is to get on with my jogging (or never eat cake). See above.

3. Flat. We need to sell it and buy one (preferably a house) away from a main road, with a garden, and with a bedroom far from the front door (if it's a flat).

4. Housework. I loathe it. I need to either get more organised and get on with it, or get a cleaner. And stop nagging my husband.

5. Finances. They are not as bad as they have been, but I am still allergic to checking my balance (feel quivery and sick at the thought) and opening bank letters. This must improve, I am OLD and it's not good to throwback to the student days every time I hand my debit card over - will it go through? - especially when there is plenty of money in the account (or rather overdraft).

6. Career. I'm very happy being a Stay at Home Mum right now. Very happy indeed. I am working towards doing some kind of development consultancy /coaching / mentoring in a later life. Very hazy plan, but I think I could use some time now to read around the subject etc.

7. Friends. I have lots of friends (even some 'online' friends), but I don't see them enough. We all seem so busy right now, but I'm determined that this year we will do more together. I think they all still like me!

This blog will also feature:

1. Husband. R, was born October '66. Calm, collected, compasionate and emotionally literate. Sometimes so laid back it's really fucking irritating! Feel like I'm being a Good Mum to his child, which I guess is an important characteristic of a Good Wife, but on the whole I'm pretty shit at balancing the wife / mother thing. I'm knackered and stroppy and sometimes being upbeat and jolly for my daughter all day takes its toll and I'm an impatient old cow by the time he comes home!

2. Daughter. C, was born October '06. Beautiful. My inspiration really. Really want to be the best I can for her (and help my husband to be his best too). I thought it would be nice to monitor her progress in life too. Right now, she's a complete whirlwind, and she lights up any room she walks into (whilst relentlessly destroying it!).

3. Mother. Mum, born sometime in the Dark Ages. Very supportive and kind. Slightly off the wall in a quirky kind of way.

4. Father. Dad, born even earlier than Mum, also very supportive, very clever and knowledgable about a range of issues, and always right, even when he's wrong, maybe even especially when he's wrong.

5. Sister. E, lives in Sydney, has one son who is 6 months older than C. She is very beautiful and savvy.

6. Sister, K, lives near Mum and Dad. Also has one son who is 5. She is also very beautiful and clever.

7. Brother, D, lives at University and doesn't have children, but does have political aspirations beyond his years.

Will introduce further characters as they come up. Reckon that's enough for now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Average Jo, Average Shaun here. I'm looking forward to reading your blog and, if you stay true to your list, looking forward to seeing you sometime (not in Saino's!)